Critical edition

Erkel in Print
Critical Edition

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Critical Edition -
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The Complete Edition of Ferenc Erkel’s Operas is based on a critical study of all available sources, with special attention tothe performing materials, i.e. orchestral, choral, and vocal parts used at the Hungarian National Theatre, and in the Budapest Opera House, where the operas were premičred and played under the direction of the composer, first conductor of these institutes from 1838 on.

The operas appear in their last form, as approved by the composer. The scores include all emendations and insertions added to the work that originate with or were approved by Erkel. Melodic variants in the vocal parts which got firmly established, are given as ossia. Cuts that on the evidence of contemporary sources were applied during the performances of the opera under Erkel’s direction, are marked Vide. The original Hungarian words of both text and stage directions are included in the score. The Appendices comprise early versions substituted by later insertions, items surviving in fragmentary form, insertions that cannot be assigned to any unambiguous place in the work, and finally, the score of the banda. The Hungarian libretto and its modern English translation in prose will also be published in the Appendices, along with the contemporary German translation of the libretto, which is in some cases available.

The edition does not aim at reconstructing the compositional process. Compositional drafts or sections that do not appear in the sources used for productions, i.e. that never reached the state of performing, are not printed. The volumes do not contain the composer's own arrangements of any parts of the operas or their piano scores.

For the sake of better legibility, facilitation of practical use and preservation of the homogeneous nature of the score, editorial alterations will not be distinguished typographically. The only exceptions are items in square brackets which do not occur in any of the sources but are indispensable for the understanding of the musical context.

All musically significant differences between the edition and its sources, and the deviations among the sources themselves are listed in the critical notes to be published separately. Wherever necessary, footnotes in the score call the reader's attention to relevant critical notes. The critical notes, preface, introduction and various editorial additions are published in Hungarian and English.

On preparing the edited version of the score, special care was taken in retaining contemporary notation practices which were standardised to the least possible extent. Unavoidable changes include using the present standard order of instruments in the score, modernising and unifying the designation of instrumental and vocal parts, and eliminating the C-clefs from the vocal parts. Clef changes have occasionally been shifted and outdated abbreviations tacitly modified. Similarly, the spelling has been modernised in the score and the libretto.

Additions are solely made for the sake of stressing tendencies that are discernible in the sources. No new dynamics marks or articulation signs have been introduced and the standardisation of identical or analogous places with regard to dynamics and articulation has been avoided. All editorial alterations will be documented in the critical notes.