27 May 2022, Friday

Katalin Kim (Institute for Musicology, RCH ELRC, Budapest)

1st Session

Chair: Cristina Scuderi (University of Graz)

Tatjana Marković (Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna)
Guest performances of Karl/Carl Rémay’s theater troupe in Groß-Becskerek in 1862

Axel Körner – Barbara Babić (Leipzig University and University College London)
Book presentation. Italian Opera in Global and Transnational Perspective

11:00–11:15 COFFEE BREAK

2nd Session

Chair: Tatjana Marković (Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna)

Lenka Křupková – Jiří Kopecký (Palacký University, Olomouc)
Travelling 19th-century Theatre Entrepreneurs and Opera Artists on the Example of the Olomouc Opera Scene

Jana Laslavíková (Institute of History of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava)
From province to province or theatre journey from Olomouc to Pressburg

Branko Ladič (Comenius University Bratislava)
Géza Zichy in Pressburg

Cristina Scuderi (University of Graz)
Book presentation. The Management of Opera. Eastern Adriatic Theatres (1861–1918)

13:15–14:15 LUNCH BREAK

3rd Session

Chair: Vjera Katalinić (Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Zagreb)

Cristina Scuderi (University of Graz)
Between Endowments, Subsidies and Mediations: the Work of Impresari and Agents in Managing an Opera Season on the Eastern Adriatic Coast

Axel Körner – Barbara Babić – Dietmar Friesenegger (Leipzig University and University College London)
Rethinking opera in nineteenth-century Habsburg Europe

16:15–16:30 COFFEE BREAK

4th Session

Chair: Lenka Křupková (Palacký University, Olomouc)

Vjera Katalinić (Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Zagreb)
Heinrich Börnstein (1805–1892), an Impresario in Zagreb between German and Croatian Identities

Tomasz Pudłocki (Institute of History of the Jagiellonian University, Krakow)
Province not quite deaf. Reminiscences of the great world of music in provincial cities of Eastern Galicia in the second half of the 19th century

Traveling. Three case studies: an opera, an opera composer and a singer from the stage of the National Theatre in Pest

Katalin Kim (Institute for Musicology, RCH ELRC, Budapest)
Hunyadi László Performed Abroad

Pál Horváth (Institute for Musicology, RCH ELRC, Budapest)
Franz Doppler, the (Inter)National opera composer

Emese Gyöngyvér Tóth (Institute for Musicology, RCH ELRC, Budapest)
Jozef Ellinger’s career in the light of his Hungarian and foreign appearances


Lecture Recital

Traveling directors and musicians 1870–1920
A selection of arias and songs from the repertoire of musical theatre in the V4 countries
Performed by Ingrid Kertesi (soprano), Júlia Mária Kovács (soprano), Gergely Kaposi (piano)
Introductory lectures by Jana Laslavíková (Slovakia), Tomasz Pudłocki (Poland), Katalin Kim (Hungary), Lenka Křupková and Jiří Kopecký (Czech Republic)

28 May 2022, Saturday

1st Session

Chair: Jiří Kopecký (Palacký University, Olomouc)

Musical public sphere in the multi-ethnic towns of Hungary in the second half of the 19th century

Lili Veronika Békéssy (Institute for Musicology, RCH ELRC, Budapest)
The structure of musical life in Pest-Buda during 1857 – Guest performers

Rudolf Gusztin (Institute for Musicology, RCH ELRC, Budapest)
The Question of National Identity in the Multiethnical Sopron through the Work of the Dalfüzér / Liederkranz

Zsolt Vizinger (Institute for Musicology, RCH ELRC, Budapest)
The inter-nationality of late 19th-century Budapest quartets and their not entirely prejudice-free reception in the press

Balázs Déri (Institute for Musicology, RCH ELRC, Budapest)
Book presentation.

Kata Riskó (Institute for Musicology, RCH ELRC, Budapest)
Project presentation. Style Hongrois, European music, regional aspects. A database on Hungarian music

10:50–11:10 COFFEE BREAK

2nd Session

Chair: Tomasz Pudłocki (Institute of History of the Jagiellonian University, Krakow)

Tatjana Marković (Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna)
Book presentation. Emerging of national opera traditions in the Balkans

Katalin Ágnes Bartha (Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca)
The National Theatre of Kolozsvár [Cluj] in the network of Hungarian theatre companies  (Mapping ‘theatre’ towns in the second half of 19th century)

Vjera Katalinić (Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Zagreb)
Book presentation. Presentation of books that result from the musicological projects on the 19th-century music

Jana Kalinayová-Bartová (Comenius University, Bratislava)
Book presentation. Hudobné dejiny Bratislavy. Od stredoveku po rok 1918 [Music history of Bratislava. From the Middle Ages to 1918]

13:10–14:15 LUNCH BREAK

3rd Session

Chair: Jana Laslavíková (Institute of History of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava)

Tomasz Pudłocki (Institute of History of the Jagiellonian University, Krakow)
Book presentations. Intellectual and World War I., Postwar Continuity and New Challenges in Central Europe, 1918-1923. The War That Never Ended

Andrzej E. Godek (Jagiellonian University, Pontifical University of John Paul II, Krakow)
Social contexts of church music in Galicia at the turn of the 20th century

Viktor Velek (University of Ostrava)
Music Artists between Ostrava and Vienna (2018–2021)

15:45–16:00 COFFEE BREAK

4th Session

Book and project launches
Moderated discussion with Jana Laslavíková, Lenka Křupková, Jiří Kopecký, Kim Katalin.
Moderator: Tatjana Marković

17:00–17:10 COFFEE BREAK

Closing discussion
Common discussion on a possible future European Union grant application.
Lili Békéssy will report on ERC projects. The discussion will be moderated by Katalin Kim.