List of Sources

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Sources used for the volumes of CAO-ECE published so far:

squareESZTERGOM (Strigonium)
squareSZEPES (Scepusium)
squareSALZBURG (Salisburgum)
squareBAMBERG (Bamberga)
squarePRAHA (Praga)
squarePASSAU (Patavia)
squareCHELMNO (Culma)
squareGNIEZNO (Gnesna)
squareWROCŁAW (Vratislavia)
squareKRAKÓW (Cracovia)
squareOLOMOUC (Olomutium)
squareTRANSSILVANIA (Transsylvania)
squareKALOCSA-BÁCS (Coloca-Bach)

ESZTERGOM (Strigonium)
Str-1 Antiphonarium 15/ex, Pozsony (Bratislava), Archív Mesta, EC Lad. 6. - Pars temporalis, foliis ab initio usque ad festum nativitatis carens. Partes 13940-14390, 25650-25730, 26150-26220, 26330-26370, 26610-26730, 27250-27420, 27640-28270, 28420-28460, 28490-29920, 34440-34550, 34650-34711, 34750-34892, 34950-35030, 35112-35116, 35140-35150, 35260-35261, 35350-35440, 35530-35620, 36121-36162, 36230-36280, 36450-36540, 36680-36780, 37130-37190, 37280-37360, 37510-37540 desunt. Finitur apud numerum 37750.View as text   Download as textfile   See a sample photo
Str-11 Breviarium 15, Salzburg, Bundesstaatliche Studienbibliothek, M.11.II.V.1.E.60. - Integritate haud plena gaudet. Lacunae: 13520–13660, 30150–30510.View as text   Download as textfile   See a sample photo
Str-110 Breviarium 15, Gyulafehérvár (Alba Julia), Bibliotheca Batthyáneum, R. I. 110. View as text   Download as textfile   See a sample photo
Str-132 Breviarium 15, Budapest, OSzK (National Széchényi Library), Clmae 132. - Tota integritate gaudet, officio tantum mortuorum carens.View as text   Download as textfile   See a sample photo
Str-1481 Breviarium 15, Wien, ÖNB (Österreichische Nationalbibliothek), Vindob. Palat. 1481. - Lacunae: 10–290, 13970–14460, 32640–32820, 33390–33660, 40040–40420, 41470–41700, 41870–42030, 42140–42340, 42370–42630, 42780–42810.View as text   Download as textfile   See a sample photo
Str-1484 Breviarium Strigoniense (impressum), Nürnberg, 1484. View as text   Download as textfile   
Str-1812 Breviarium 15, Wien, ÖNB (Österreichische Nationalbibliothek), Vindob. Palat. 1812. - Lacunae: 33510–40740, 46460–46790.View as text   Download as textfile   See a sample photo
Str-1829 Breviarium 15, Wien, ÖNB (Österreichische Nationalbibliothek), Vindob. Palat. 1829. View as text   Download as textfile   See a sample photo
Str-2 Antiphonarium 15/1, Pozsony (Bratislava), Archív mesta, EC Lad. 2. - Pars antiphonarii hiemalis-vernalis. Partes 11270-11570 et 13380-13400, 24500-24670, 26660-28330, 30640-30670 desunt. Ad partem "Ann" tantum psalterium antiphonalis (32420-34440) spectat.View as text   Download as textfile   See a sample photo
Str-3 Antiphonarium 15/in, Pozsony (Bratislava), Archív mesta, EC Lad. 3. - Incipit numero 29820, partes 30650-30670, 31000-31090, 31220-31400, 31670-37120 desunt. Officium mortuorum omittit (partem a numero 37130 incipiens usque ad finem).View as text   Download as textfile   See a sample photo
Str-4 Antiphonarium 15/2, Pozsony (Bratislava), Slovenský národný archív, Sign. 4. - Pars antiphonarii hiemalis-vernalis, partem a festo nativitatis usque ad festum ascensionis continens, finitur: 29860. Ad partem "Ann" tantum psalterium antiphonalis (32420-34440) spectat. Partes 13620-13960, 27560-27600, 28960-29030 desunt.View as text   Download as textfile   See a sample photo
Str-5 Antiphonarium 1487, Pozsony (Bratislava), Archív mesta, EC Lad. 4. - Antiphonarium aestivale–autumnale decorum sed valde mutilum! Incipit a 33510 et finitur cum nr. 45860 (D16 post Trinitatem). Antiphonas psalterii (41450–43500), officium dedicationis ecclesiae necnon officium mortuorum non continet (46050–47420). Lacuna: 45870–46040.View as text   Download as textfile   See a sample photo
Str-67 Breviarium 13, Zágráb (Zagreb), Metropolitanska Knjiznica (Bibl. Univ.), MR 67. - Breviarium integrum officiis tamen dedicationis ecclesiae et mortuorum (46010–47422) carens.View as text   Download as textfile   See a sample photo
Str-7 Breviarium Notatum 13/ex, Praha, Bibliotheca Strahoviensis, DE. I. 7. - Pars temporalis breviarii. Manuscriptum ab initio mutilum, incipit cum numero 2410.View as text   Download as textfile   See a sample photo
Str-8879 Breviarium 1480, Paris, BN (Bibliothèque Nationale), Ms. Lat. 8879. - Lacuna: 41450.View as text   Download as textfile   See a sample photo
Str-I3-1 Antiphonarium 15, Esztergom, Főszékesegyházi Könyvtár (Cathedral Library), Mss. I. 3. - A dominica quinquagesima usque ad dominicam V. post pascha. Finitur numero 29000. Partes 25560-26770, 27420-28280, 28550-28611 desunt.View as text   Download as textfile   See a sample photo
Str-I3-2 Antiphonarium 15, Esztergom, Főszékesegyházi Könyvtár (Cathedral Library), Mss. I. 3. - Pars antiphonarii aestivalis-autumnalis. Incipitur a numero 34440 et finitur apud 37120. Partes 35690-35800, 35870-35900, 36280-36500 desunt.View as text   Download as textfile   See a sample photo
Str-Ist Antiphonarium cca 1360, Istanbul, Topkap Seray, Deismann 42. View as text   Download as textfile   
Str-MAG7 Breviarium 15, New York, Pierpont Morgan Library, M.A.G.7. - Breviarium ad usum privatum paratum quasdam partes feriales omittit, scilicet: 15070–15430, 20670–20940, 21350–21410, 21480–21610, 22250–22460, 22990–23220, 32260–32430, 32590–32630, 33410–33490.    Top of the Page View as text   Download as textfile   See a sample photo

Paul-1540 Breviarium Ordinis Fratrum Heremitarum Sancti Pauli primi heremitae... (impressum), Venezia, 1540. Not available   Not available   
Paul-28 Breviarium 15, Németújvár (Güssing), Franciscan Library, 1/28. Not available   Not available   See a sample photo
Paul-439 Diurnale 15, Göttweig, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. 439 (229). - Horae tantum diurnales, sed et totum officium mortuorum.Not available   Not available   See a sample photo
Paul-8 Antiphonarium 15/ex, Zágráb (Zagreb), Metropolitanska Knjiznica (Bibl. Univ.), MR 8. - Tota integritate gaudet, sed officium mortuorum omittit. – Lacunae: 21680–21890, 46180–46430.Not available   Not available   See a sample photo
Paul-812a Breviarium Ordinis Fratrum Heremitarum Sancti Pauli primi heremitae (impressum), Basel, 1475-1491. - Lacunae: 360–750, 41450–41660, 41680–41700, 41870–42030, 42140–42160.Not available   Not available   
Paul-93 Vesperale 16, Sopron, Állami Levéltár (Municipal Archives), s.n. - Pars temporalis incipiente hebdomada V in Quinquagesima una cum sanctorali totius anni; cantus tantum vesperarum continens.    Top of the Page Not available   Not available   See a sample photo

SZEPES (Scepusium)
Sc-102 Breviarium 15, Gyulafehérvár (Alba Julia), Bibliotheca Batthyáneum, R. II. 102. - Pars hiemalis–vernalis breviarii. Lacunae: 23930–23990, 32170–32250, 3440–34460, 43200–43250. Finitur apud Nr. 43510.View as text   Download as textfile   See a sample photo
Sc-125 Diurnale 15/2, Gyulafehérvár (Alba Julia), Bibliotheca Batthyáneum, R. II. 125. - Horae tantum diurnales.View as text   Download as textfile   See a sample photo
Sc-2 Antiphonarium 15, Szepes (Spiš), Chapter Library, Ms. Mus. 2. - Pars aestivalis-autumnalis (incipitur a festo Corporis Domini), sed officium mortuorum omittit. – Lacunae: 40650–41060, 44902, 45040, 46460–46790.View as text   Download as textfile   See a sample photo
Sc-46 Breviarium 14, Gyulafehérvár (Alba Julia), Bibliotheca Batthyáneum, R. II. 46. - Pars aestivalis-autumnalis breviarii (incipitur a Nr. 43510). – Lacuna: 45690–45700.View as text   Download as textfile   See a sample photo
Sc-6374 Breviarium 15, Budapest, MNM (Hungarian National Museum), 63. 74. 1. C. - Lacunae: 10–290, 1950–2050, 13020–13200, 21690–22440, 32200–32250, 40380–40410, 41500–41570, 41890–41910, 42470–42490, 42790–42800, 44500–44902, 45610–45670, 47340.View as text   Download as textfile   See a sample photo
Sc-6384 Breviarium 15, Budapest, MNM (Hungarian National Museum), 63. 84. C. - Lacunae: 2760–3130, 3460–3600, 3670–3810.View as text   Download as textfile   See a sample photo
Sc-94 Breviarium 14-15, Gyulafehérvár (Alba Julia), Bibliotheca Batthyáneum, R. III. 94. - Lacunae: 32380–32430, 32540–32550.    Top of the Page View as text   Download as textfile   See a sample photo

SALZBURG (Salisburgum)
Sal-1 Breviarium Notatum 13/2, Szombathely, Egyházmegyei Könyvtár (Cathedral Library), Cod. 1. Not available   Not available   See a sample photo
Sal-1 Breviarium Notatum 13/2, Szombathely, Egyházmegyei Könyvtár (Cathedral Library), Cod. 1. Not available   Not available   See a sample photo
Sal-10 Breviarium 1479, Szombathely, Egyházmegyei Könyvtár (Cathedral Library), Cod. 10. View as text   Download as textfile   
Sal-11 Breviarium 1480, Szombathely, Egyházmegyei Könyvtár (Cathedral Library), Cod. 11. View as text   Download as textfile   
Sal-14 Breviarium 15, Szombathely, Egyházmegyei Könyvtár (Cathedral Library), Cod. 14. View as text   Download as textfile   
Sal-1482 Breviarium Salzburgense (impressum), Venezia, 1482. View as text   Download as textfile   
Sal-2 Antiphonarium 15, Graz, Universitätsbibliothek, Cod. 2. Not available   Not available   
Sal-287 Antiphonarium 14, Vorau, Stiftsbibliothek, Ms. 287.     Top of the Page View as text   Download as textfile   See a sample photo

BAMBERG (Bamberga)
Bam-1484 Breviarium Bambergense (impressum), J. Sensenschmidt, H. Petzensteiner, 1484. Not available   Not available   
Bam-176 Breviarium 15, Bamberg, Staatsbibliothek, R. B. Msc. 176. Not available   Not available   See a sample photo
Bam-23 Antiphonarium 12/ex, Bamberg, Staatsbibliothek, Ms. Lit. 23. View as text   Download as textfile   
Bam-24 Antiphonarium 12, Bamberg, Staatsbibliothek, Ms. Lit. 24. View as text   Download as textfile   
Bam-25 Antiphonarium 13, Bamberg, Staatsbibliothek, Ms. Lit. 25. View as text   Download as textfile   
Bam-26 Antiphonarium 13, Bamberg, Staatsbibliothek, Ms. Lit. 26.     Top of the Page View as text   Download as textfile   

PRAHA (Praga)
Hk-3 Antiphonarium 15/2, Hradec Králové, Muzeum Východních Čech, II A 3. View as text   Download as textfile   
Hk-4 Antiphonarium 15/2, Hradec Králové, Muzeum Východních Čech, II A 4. View as text   Download as textfile   
Kol-21 Antiphonarium 15/16, Praha, Knihovna Národního muzea, XII A 21. View as text   Download as textfile   
Kol-22 Antiphonarium 15/16, Praha, Knihovna Národního muzea, XII A 22. View as text   Download as textfile   
Pra-10 Breviarium Notatum 14, Praha, Knihovna Národního muzea, XV A 10. View as text   Download as textfile   
Pra-12 Breviarium 14, Praha, Universitní knihovna, VII A 12. View as text   Download as textfile   
Pra-1492 Breviarium Pragense (impressum), Nürnberg, 1492. View as text   Download as textfile   See a sample photo
Pra-14D9 Ordinarius 14, Praha, Knihovna Národního muzea, XIV D 9. View as text   Download as textfile   See a sample photo
Pra-17 Vesperale 15/16, Pozsony (Bratislava), Štátny ústredný archív (olim: Bibliotheca capitularis), sign. 17. View as text   Download as textfile   
Pra-19 Breviarium Notatum 13/ex, Praha, Universitní knihovna, XIV A 19. View as text   Download as textfile   See a sample photo
Pra-4D9 Ordinarius 13-14, Praha, Universitní knihovna, IV D 9. View as text   Download as textfile   See a sample photo
Pra-6 Antiphonarium 14/2, Praha, Knihovna Metropolitní Kapituly, P VI/1, P VI/2, PVI/3. View as text   Download as textfile   
Pra-B6 Vesperale 14/2, Praha, Universitní knihovna, XIV B 6.     Top of the Page View as text   Download as textfile   

Aqu-1496 Breviarium Aquileiense (impressum), Venezia, 1496. View as text   Download as textfile   
Aqu-17 Antiphonarium 1491, Ljubljana, Nadškofijski archiv, Ms. 17, 18. View as text   Download as textfile   
Aqu-A Antiphonarium 14, Gorizia, Biblioteca Seminario Theologico Centrale, Cod. A. View as text   Download as textfile   See a sample photo
Aqu-B Antiphonarium 14, Gorizia, Biblioteca Seminario Theologico Centrale, Cod. B. View as text   Download as textfile   See a sample photo
Aqu-D Antiphonarium 15, Gorizia, Biblioteca Seminario Theologico Centrale, Cod. D.     Top of the Page View as text   Download as textfile   See a sample photo

Civ-30 Antiphonarium 15, Cividale, Muzeo Archeologico Nazionale, Cod. 30. View as text   Download as textfile   See a sample photo
Civ-34 Antiphonarium 14, Cividale, Muzeo Archeologico Nazionale, Cod. 34. Not available   Not available   See a sample photo
Civ-41 Antiphonarium 14/ex, Cividale, Muzeo Archeologico Nazionale, Cod. 41. View as text   Download as textfile   See a sample photo
Civ-44 Antiphonarium 14/15, Cividale, Muzeo Archeologico Nazionale, Cod. 44. View as text   Download as textfile   See a sample photo
Civ-47 Antiphonarium 15, Cividale, Muzeo Archeologico Nazionale, Cod. 47. View as text   Download as textfile   See a sample photo
Civ-48 Antiphonarium 15, Cividale, Muzeo Archeologico Nazionale, Cod. 48. View as text   Download as textfile   See a sample photo
Civ-49 Antiphonarium 15, Cividale, Muzeo Archeologico Nazionale, Cod. 49. View as text   Download as textfile   See a sample photo
Civ-57 Antiphonarium 14/15, Cividale, Muzeo Archeologico Nazionale, Cod. 57. View as text   Download as textfile   See a sample photo
Civ-91 Breviarium Notatum 12/in, Cividale, Muzeo Archeologico Nazionale, Cod. 91. View as text   Download as textfile   See a sample photo
Civ-93 Breviarium Notatum 12/ex, Cividale, Muzeo Archeologico Nazionale, Cod. 93. View as text   Download as textfile   See a sample photo
Civ-SD Breviarium Notatum 12/ex, San Daniele, Biblioteca Guarneriana, Ms. 4.     Top of the Page Not available   Not available   See a sample photo

PASSAU (Patavia)
Pat-1 Antiphonarium 15, Graz, Universitätsbibliothek, Cod. 1. Not available   Not available   
Pat-10 Vesperale 14/15, Praha, Universitní knihovna, III D 10. Not available   Not available   
Pat-1490 Breviarium Pataviense (impressum), Augsburg, 1490. View as text   Download as textfile   
Pat-1519 Vesperale Pataviense (impressum), Wien, 1519. Not available   Not available   
Pat-16141 Antiphonarium 13, München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Clm. 16141. Not available   Not available   
Pat-2 Antiphonarium 14, Győr, Nagyszemináriumi Könyvtár (Library of the Seminary), Cod. 2. Not available   Not available   
Pat-20 Antiphonarium 15/1, Praha, Universitní knihovna, I D 20. Not available   Not available   See a sample photo
Pat-90 Breviarium Notatum 13, Vorau, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. 90.     Top of the Page Not available   Not available   

Culm-408 Antiphonarium 1513, Gdańsk, Biblioteka Polskiej Akademii Nauk, Ms. Mar. F 408. Not available   Not available   
Culm-5 Antiphonarium 15, Pelplin, Biblioteka Seminarium Duchownego, Rps L 5. Not available   Not available   
Culm-7 Antiphonarium 1412, Praha, Knihovna Národního muzea, XIII A 7. Not available   Not available   
Teut-872 Antiphonarium 14/1, Darmstadt, Heissische Landes- u. Hochschulbibliothek, Ms. 872.     Top of the Page Not available   Not available   

GNIEZNO (Gnesna)
Gne-1502 Breviarium Gniesnense (impressum), Nürnberg, 1502. Not available   Not available   
Gne-95 Antiphonarium 16, Gniezno, Arciwum Archidiecezjalne, Ms. 95.     Top of the Page Not available   Not available   

WROCŁAW (Vratislavia)
Vra-1485 Breviarium Vratislaviense (impressum), Speyer, 1485. Not available   Not available   
Vra-168 Antiphonarium 15, Wrocław, Biblioteka Kapitulna, Rkp. 168. Not available   Not available   See a sample photo
Vra-21 Antiphonarium 15, Wrocław, Biblioteka Uniwersytecka, K 21. Not available   Not available   
Vra-503 Antiphonarium 14, Wrocław, Biblioteka Uniwersytecka, R 503.     Top of the Page Not available   Not available   

KRAKÓW (Cracovia)
Cra-1508 Breviarium Cracoviense (impressum), Kraków, 1508. Not available   Not available   
Cra-47 Antiphonarium 1457, Kraków, Biblioteka Kapitulna, Ms. 47. Not available   Not available   See a sample photo
Cra-51 Ordinarius 12, Kraków, Biblioteka Kapitulna, Ms. 51 (olim 83). Not available   Not available   
Cra-53 Antiphonarium 1471, Kraków, Biblioteka Kapitulna, Ms. 53.     Top of the Page Not available   Not available   

OLOMOUC (Olomutium)
Olo-1517 Breviarium Olomucense (impressum), Wien, 1517. Not available   Not available   
Olo-625 Breviarium Notatum 14/ex, Brno, Universitní knihovna, R 625.     Top of the Page Not available   Not available   See a sample photo

TRANSSILVANIA (Transsylvania)
Calb Antiphonarium 12/1, Graz, Universitätsbibliothek, Cod. 211. View as text   Download as textfile   
Tra-0 Antiphonarium 15, Győr, Nagyszemináriumi Könyvtár (Library of the Seminary), s.n. Not available   Not available   See a sample photo
Tra-104 Breviarium 15, Budapest, Egyetemi Könyvtár (University Library), Cod. lat. 104. Not available   Not available   
Tra-8247 Breviarium 1460, Rome, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Vat. Lat. 8247.     Top of the Page Not available   Not available   See a sample photo

KALOCSA-BÁCS (Coloca-Bach)
Col-33 Breviarium 14/2, Budapest, OSzK (National Széchényi Library), Clmae 33. Not available   Not available   
Col-43 Breviarium 14/15, Zágráb (Zagreb), Metropolitanska Knjiznica (Bibl. Univ.), MR 43. Not available   Not available   
Zag-10 Intonarium 15/ex, Zágráb (Zagreb), Metropolitanska Knjiznica (Bibl. Univ.), MR 10. Not available   Not available   See a sample photo
Zag-120 Breviarium 14, Zágráb (Zagreb), Metropolitanska Knjiznica (Bibl. Univ.), MR 120. Not available   Not available   See a sample photo
Zag-1484 Breviarium Zagrabiense (impressum), Venezia, 1484. View as text   Download as textfile   
Zag-343 Breviarium 1489, Budapest, OSzK (National Széchényi Library), Clmae 343. Not available   Not available   
Zag-42 Breviarium 15, Zágráb (Zagreb), Archiv Hrvatske Akademije Znamosti i Umjetnosti, I. c. 42. Not available   Not available   
Zag-446 Breviarium 1474, Budapest, OSzK (National Széchényi Library), Clmae 446. Not available   Not available   
Zag-46 Breviarium 15, Zágráb (Zagreb), Metropolitanska Knjiznica (Bibl. Univ.), MR 46. Not available   Not available   
Zag-65 Breviarium 15, Zágráb (Zagreb), Metropolitanska Knjiznica (Bibl. Univ.), MR 65.     Top of the Page Not available   Not available   See a sample photo

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